Calendar Scedule
Mengapa Cross-Culture?
Perjalanan ke luar negeri sering kali hanya dianggap sebagai pengalaman wisata semata. Banyak orang mengunjungi Jepang untuk melihat Gunung Fuji yang megah, menikmati keindahan bunga sakura yang bermekaran, atau menyaksikan pertunjukan Kabuki di Shinjuku. Semua itu bisa diatur dengan mudah melalui agen perjalanan. Namun, apakah pengalaman itu cukup untuk memahami esensi sebenarnya dari Jepang? Jawabannya tidak. Sebab, lebih dari sekadar pemandangan yang indah dan budaya yang eksotis, Jepang memiliki sesuatu yang lebih dalam: keindahan hati, keramahan, dan kerendahan hati masyarakatnya. Inilah yang membuat banyak orang ingin kembali dan kembali lagi ke Jepang. Pengalaman ini tidak dapat diperoleh hanya dengan berkeliling tempat-tempat wisata, tetapi harus dirasakan secara langsung melalui interaksi yang tulus dengan masyarakat Jepang. Inilah alasan mengapa Cross-Culture Institute hadir. Lebih dari sekadar membawa wisatawan melihat atraksi terkenal, kami membuka pintu menuju pemahaman yang lebih dalam tentang budaya Jepang. Melalui pendekatan yang mengedepankan keakraban dan suasana hati yang terbuka, kami menghapus batasan bahasa, menghilangkan kesalahpahaman budaya, dan menciptakan hubungan yang lebih erat antarindividu. Ketika seseorang benar-benar memahami suatu budaya, mereka tidak lagi melihatnya sebagai sesuatu yang asing atau berbeda. Mereka merasakan kehangatan persahabatan yang melampaui perbedaan. Dengan cara ini, pengalaman di Jepang tidak hanya menjadi kenangan indah, tetapi juga menjadi …
The Multilingual Snow Camp
People from all over the world will come and stay together at Minshukus (Japanese guest houses) with a group of about 25 other participants. Each group will act as a “family” during the program. Come and enjoy Naganos beautiful nature surrounded by the warmth of friends! The Multilingual Snow CampThis is a LEX / Hippo transnational exchange program!This is not just a nature camp. It is a chance to meet people withdifferent backgrounds (culture, language, etc.) and discover how funit is to understand each other through exciting winter activities and LEX / Hippo multilingual activities in an area known for the heaviest snowfall in Japan!
Hippo Asian Project : Multi-Lingual Youth Nature Camp
To Promote multilingual friendship in asia, the Hippo Asian Project was launched with two youth camps under its wing. The Asian multilingual youth camp in sianghai and the Asian multilingual nature camp in Thailand are geared toward secondary school students and youth from china, Thailand, Korea, Japan and all over Asia. Each year, participant enjoy making new friends form different countries and sharing their languages, all while taking parts in a variety of outdoor activities. These youth get to enjoy the beauty of nature while gaining a broader perspective of the world and developing new friendship.
World Internship Project (WIP)
The WIP is an exciting opportunity providing adults of all ages with a life-changing exchange experience in another country. WIP interns spend 1-12 months volunteering with LEX in Japan, Korea, the US, or Mexico, or with our various partner organizations in up to 40 different countries around the world. Interns will have the opportunity to live with a host family and absorb the rhythms of daily life. The program is open to qualified adults, ages 18 and up.
Multilingual Snow & Nature Camp
The Snow and Nature Camps, held annually in Japan in March and August respectively, provide the perfect chance to enjoy Hippo’s multilingual activities in the beauty of nature. The Snov Camp takes participants to tho snowy landscape of Nagani Prefecture in March, where participants get to play in a winte wonderland before retreating to traditional minshuku, traditions Japanese inns, at night. The Nature Camp, also held in Naganc is awash in flora and fauna and lull of exciting outdoor activities Open to people around the world, these camps are a trti multilingual, multicultural experience!
Oversas Home Stay Program, Family Exchange
The Family Exchange is a 1-2 week homestay program for individuals and families with children. Since 1981, this program has expanded to include exchanges with over 20 countries worldwide. Approximately 400 members go overseas annually to initiate new friendships.
Oversas Home Stay Program, Youth Exchange
The Youth Exchange is a homestay program during the spring and summer ranging from one week to one month, and is catered to youth from the age of 10 up till university students. Each year, up to 650 children participate in an unforgettable experience in another country.
Transnational Homestay In Japan
The Hippo Transnational Homestay Program has welcomed more than 5000 people from over 120 different countries to participate in LEX homestays in Japan. The participants are exchange students, company trainees, families and youth from our partner organizations all over the world, and have the chance to immerse themselves in Japanese culture while taking part in our various Hippo activities
Lex Internship To Japan.
The LEX Internship to Japan brings participants to Japan for an extraordinary experience at none other than the LEX Hippo Office in Tokyo! Participants get to be at the hub of Hippo activities and can look forward to an exciting experience of multilingualism at our intemationally-oriented office. From running events, to participating in workshops, to acting as communication liaisons, interns can be sure that there will never be a dull day at the office!